
The Langley development represents a unique opportunity to deliver much needed new homes alongside new community facilities, including schools, sports facilities, a health centre and retail, setting an exemplar for high-quality sustainable development at this scale.



Langley will provide up to 5,500 new homes with a focus on family-style housing. There will be higher density development in the district centre and community hub areas and provision will also be made for +55.

35% of the new homes are currently proposed to be affordable housing. The following broad tenure split has been agreed with Birmingham City Council; 10% social/affordable rented and 25% affordable home ownership options.

It is anticipated that within Langley Central or the Community Hubs, provision could be made for an extra care facility. The actual location will be determined as part of the Langley Central and Community Hub design work at the reserved matters stage.

Langley Central


Langley Central will form a key community, education, retail and professional service hub at the core of the development.

It will include multi-functional community buildings, education and post 16 education facilities, a medical practice, retail and service facilities alongside higher density residential living and new civic public spaces.

Community Hubs


Two community hubs, one in the north of the development and one in the south are proposed. They will both include a primary school and local retail and provide an opportunity for delivering another community building.

The community hubs are located next to the parks to create a community focus.

Sports Hub


A sports hub is proposed alongside the formal sports pitch area. This building will provide changing facilities as well as club training and social rooms and will have the potential for wider community, assembly and leisure uses.



There will be up to three new primary schools, two in the community hubs and one in the district centre. A new secondary school with sixth form will be built in the district centre. Early years education will also be provided.



A new medical practice will form part of the district centre.

“We are putting community at the heart of our proposals, with new community facilities being delivered alongside the new housing.”