Up to 5,500 new homes – including family homes and 35% affordable housing
Early years education – with up to 6 children’s nurseries
Primary education – with up to 3 new primary schools
Secondary school – including a sports hall and sixth form
Langley Central and Community Hubs – with new shops, restaurants, cafes, offices, community halls and care facilities
Health centre – with a new medical practice forming part of the Langley Central
Sports hub – with a pavilion for community use and playing pitches for a variety of team sports
Parks and open spaces – with large areas of landscaped open space, playing pitches, play areas and recreational routes for walking, cycling and running.
Please view the interactive masterplan which shows the proposed location of the new homes, schools, district centre, community hubs, sports facilities, health centre, public open spaces and vehicle access points.
The outline planning application for the Langley Sustainable Urban Extension (SUE) has been submitted to Birmingham City Council.
The new development will include a variety of carefully designed character areas creating a real sense of place.
Significant areas of open space including parks, sports facilities, cycling and walking routes are a central part of the proposals.
Alongside the new homes, Langley will provide new facilities including schools, shops and community spaces creating a sustainable place to live and work.
The proposals for Langley will integrate with the existing communities to the west, as well as provide direct vehicular access to the A38 to the east.
Please take a look through the available resources including the masterplan, design and access statement, exhibition materials and a whole lot more.
The members of the Consortium are Taylor Wimpey, Homes England, Vistry, William Davis and Bellway
Engage Planning Ltd, Warwick Innovation Centre, Warwick Technology Park, Warwick,
CV34 6UW Telephone: 01926 623095
Email: info@engageplanning.co.uk
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